Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Love Liberal Bloggers

Liberal bloggers are pretty much awesome. I laughed reading this post by Blaire Burke at Wonkette and the comments that it got almost as much as I did watching Pearl The Landlord. Thank you Blaire. You truly have a huge talent!

A few choice quotes from the article:
"But now maybe he [McCotter] is starting to feel left out of the unstoppable Orgy of Insanity that is the barf puddle of GOP candidates, because he is about to unleash his crazy on us at last!"

"God came down to Earth in 1865 (with Moses, probably) and freed the slaves, and then every person in the “United States” became an actual individual country, because of the sovereignty in everyone’s soul, and then we secured the borders and kicked out the King, the end? Okay!"

A few choice quotes from the comments:

""Some of my best friends are liberals!"
Shut the f&ck up, Thaddeus." -emmelemm

"Thad McCotter still remains my favorite house elf in all of the Harry Potter stories."  -Lionel[redacted]Esq

"I for one am grateful for Thad. He reminds me of my ex-spouse, only more boring. And I had lived for years believing that was just not possible. Life is full of surprises!"  -Papa_Uniform

"Wasn't Thaddeus McCotter a villain in a Matlock episode?"  -petehammer

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