Saturday, July 23, 2011

Getting To Know Thad

The media doesn't hate Republican politicians. The media hates politicians that don't help them sell newspapers and instead just say a lot of words that mean in point the Hilary Clinton 2008 Prez Campaign. Seth Mandel says some nice things in this write-up he did for Commentary Magazine about my main man Thad. Below are some highlights:

"McCotter may be the smartest–and easily the funniest–candidate in the field. I wrote about him here in May. Concerning policy, this is the basic roundup of where he stands:

McCotter is also aching to reframe the terms of the debate. The War on Terror, to McCotter, is really the War for Freedom, to be fought against “kufar fascism” with our “arsenal of democracy.” To McCotter, the United Nations is a “global Tammany Hall.” He decries the left’s “civil religion” and the pro-China lobby’s maxim, in his words, “make loot not war.”

McCotter is pro-market–he rails against the overregulation he calls the red tape worm–but he also warns against the transfer from a nation-state to a market-state ruled by global elites, referencing Wilhelm Röpke’s “humane economy.” And while he is pro-free trade, he seeks to advance the cause of “freedom trade”–tying trade agreements to human rights and ethical trade practices (and quoting Natan Sharansky in the process).

On defense, he is a vigorous supporter of peace through strength (instead of “peace through speech”), and he is especially tough on Iran and China. He compares the Iran-Syria alliance to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and calls for a Liberty Alliance that would not include a military component."

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